
One can be liberated now by the spiritual practice of singing the glory of the Lord and listening to the Name being sung. … It can help the process of liberation not only for the members of the group … the whole world can benefit by the vibrations. [January 26th, 1982] I insist on group singing of the Names of the Lord. [July 8th, 1968] The Lord has said, “Where my devotees sing, there I seat myself.”
[July 11th, 1957] – Sathya Sai Baba

Sathya Sai Baba tells us that spiritual growth is best achieved through an integrated practice of devotion, study, and service. These correspond to the three main paths to self-realization: devotion (bhakthi), spiritual wisdom (jnana), and renunciation of the fruit of action (karma).

The Devotion wing is therefore an integral part of the centres activities focusing on group devotional singing, study circle, prayers, meditation all designed to awaken and promote spiritual progress. The aim being to strengthen one’s faith, devotional zeal, and understanding and practice of spiritual principles.

Group bhajan singing and prayers

Bhajans are conducted at the centre every Sunday afternoon from 4:35pm to 5:45pm. The bhajans and prayers incorporate all faiths to promote universal oneness.

Vedam chanting also takes place during the weekly bhajan sessions.

There are guidelines for Bhajan signing at the centre, which are posted on the information desk. If anyone wishes to lead sing a prayer or bhajan they are kindly requested to attend one of the regular bhajan practise sessions which is held straight after the bhajan session. The practise takes place from 6:00pm to 7:00pm.

The first Sunday of the month is dedicated to all the SSE children and the Youth to lead sing the prayers and bhajans.

Study Circle

“Study Circle is not just reading books. It means taking a point and each person discussing what it means to them. Like a round table conference. … The study circle looks at the different facet, … but, as in a diamond, there is one facet that is flat, and from it, all can be viewed. To discover the top facet is the task of the study circle.” [Hislop, Conversations with Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, pp 165–166]

The centre hosts a monthly study circle every second Sunday of the month. The study circle is facilitated by centre members who provide an opportunity for all the devotees to explore, share their thoughts and hopefully gain an understanding around a particular spiritual topic.


“Meditation as described by Sri Sathya Sai Baba is the royal road, the easy path. For meditation to be effective there must be steady practice with no hurry and no worry. With steady practice, the person will become quiet and the state of meditation will naturally come about. To think otherwise is weakness. Success is assured. Call upon God, He will help you. He will respond and He Himself will be your guru. He will guide you. He will always be at your side.” [Hislop, Conversations with Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, pp 145-156]

In 2014, as its offering to Sri Sathya Sai Baba, the Centre created a universal meditation guide and technique suitable for children. This meditation is called the Magic light Meditation.

Celebration of Religious festivals

The centre aims to celebrate most of the key festivals of major faiths and also supports the regional celebrations. The details of any forthcoming festivals to be celebrated can be found on the events calendar.

For further information please contact us : harrowwest@srisathyasai.org.uk